Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies

The Graduate Institute for Entrepreneurial Studies is an institute of learning that offers programs of practical knowledge and professional expertise in business administration. Students learn comprehensive theories about strategies, marketing, financing, organizations, etc., directly from professors with business backgrounds, while also studying topics that are actually emerging in today's business world. Courses will be conducted through lectures, question-and-answer sessions, discussions, presentations, and other formats. At our Institute, in addition to our Japanese students, we also welcome international students from around the globe. All over the world, many of our Japanese students are at the forefront of business, working with various companies and industries while attending our Institute. Through interactions between Japanese businesspeople and international students, there is a mutual learning process that involves the exchange of information and experiences that will help create a global network and become a valuable asset in the future.

Course and Programs

  • Graduate Course of Entrepreneurship Professional Degree Program
